Meet Jack

Jack Johnson grew up in a small town in Texas, but got to Tennessee as fast as he could. Jack has proudly called Middle Tennessee “home” for over thirty years after graduating from Texas State University with a degree in Education.

Jack and his wife Deanna, the Circuit Court Judge for the 21st Judicial District, raised their three adult children in Franklin. Jack and Deanna met over 30 years ago at a Young Republican function, sharing the same conservative values and the same dream of a future filled with faith and family.

First elected to the Tennessee State Senate in 2006, Jack Johnson has been a stalwart conservative leader and a fighter who helped turn the Tennessee State Senate red. Jack knows that conservative values are Tennessee values, which is why he always fights to lower taxes, defend constitutional rights, secure our southern border, protect our most vulnerable and ensure parents’ always have a voice in their children’s education.

Jack Johnson knows how to get things done for Tennessee and Williamson County. Above all, his tenure in the State Senate is marked by a defense of children and conservative principles.

An extremely effective conservative legislator, Jack Johnson is the prime Senate author of Tennessee’s Senate Bill 1 of 2023, a model law for the rest of the country that protects children from life changing and mutilating medical procedures and hormone “treatments”.

He is also the prime Senate sponsor of the Child Rape Death Penalty Option Law, legislation which makes those that commit the most heinous of crimes – the rape of a child – eligible for the death penalty. Not only that, Jack is a leading author of laws that work to destroy the scourge of Child and Human Trafficking in our state.

Jack Johnson has also authored and passed bills that protect Tennesseans from being discriminated against by Woke Corporations, ensuring that no one will have their bank accounts taken away because of their political beliefs. Other important legislation that Jack has authored and passed include protecting medical rights of conscience, protecting our children from inappropriate materials and “entertainment”, and defending the 2nd Amendment.

After only two years in the State Senate, he was appointed as Chairman of the Government Operations Committee. A year later, Jack was named Chairman of the Commerce and Labor Committee. He served as Commerce Committee Chairman for nine years until December of 2018, when he was elected by his Republican colleagues as the Senate Majority Leader.

With Jack Johnson as the Tennessee State Senate Majority Leader, our state is the lowest taxed and least indebted state in the nation.

Jack Johnson has over 20 years of hands-on experience in the financial industry, beginning his career with Third National Bank (now SunTrust). Additionally, Jack worked as the Vice President of Public Affairs for an internet start-up company based in Brentwood. Jack served as the Senior Vice President for Studio Bank in the Cool Springs area. Currently he serves as a public relations professional for a Fortune 500 company with offices in Middle Tennessee.

Senator Johnson proudly represents the 27th District, which includes most of Williamson County. When the day’s work is done, Jack enjoys spending time with his family, listening to conservative talk radio and podcasts, and playing guitar.

Jack Johnson is a down to earth family man, conservative fighter, and dedicated servant of the people of Williamson County and the state of Tennessee.